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by Admincubig@gmail.com 20 Feb 2024

Awesome AI Website in 10 minutes

Ethical, Generative AI

Using AI models has become easier and simpler. you just need to visit an AI website and click some buttons there, with no programming ever required. If you’re planning to offer AI models as a service, success is unlikely without a user-friendly UI.

ai website

How to Create an AI website

No need to fear. It’s almost as simple as creating a standard website. You may use whatever frameworks you’d like including the most famous ones such as this example. One important aspect to consider is the need to monitor the training or inference processes using MLOps frameworks. You’d find MLflow or Kubeflow interesting.

safety Data privacy

Last but not least, ethics should be a major concern. As you’re making your models more accessible to public, there will be higher chance that malicious users take advantage of them. Therefore, you must pay close attention to ethical considerations, following the rules.