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by Admincubig@gmail.com 15 Jan 2024

How Can One Tell That Their Data Quality Is Good Enough for AI? Always the More the Better? (01/15)

Data quality is everything for AI

Yes, data quality itself doesn’t solve all your problems at once. You also need to learn how to deal with the data and obtain necessary skills to transform it into the specific form for the sake of AI models. But no matter what you intend to do with any kind of AI, you inevitably face the challenge of finding the proper data beforehand.

the importance of data quality
Data analysis technically works based on data

Better Data Represent it Better

An AI model learns from data and uses this knowledge to make predictions about unknown cases. To achieve this, it must be assumed that all data, known or unknown, follow the same distribution. Not only that, the known data should be distributed uniformly within the manifold. Therefore, good data may be defined as such:

Data that accurately represent the distribution of the problem.

Having problems finding proper data? CUBIG is right here for you: https://cubig.ai/Main